The Official Board is made up of members of St. Paul’s congregation who are appointed as Chairs of various committees within the church. These committees/volunteers are the backbone of our church and must bring forth to the Board any concerns they may have. The Board then calls a motion for discussion during their meeting and as such the motion is approved or not approved, which may require more information/discussion on the matter.
The Board oversees budgetary/financial issues and is open and transparent with the congregation, especially when faced with unexpected repairs around the church. In the end, the Official Board is your Board (St. Paul’s) and is responsible for keeping our church running smoothly and faithfully for a very long time to come. Any concerns you may have please do not hesitate to reach out and we will do our best to address them.
The Accessibility Committee oversees all issues relating to accessibility at St. Paul’s in consultation with the Official Board. This ensures that we offer accessible programs, goods and services as required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (Ontario Regulation 429/07). The Committee coordinates accessibility training for all relevant staff and volunteers, while also monitoring our programs, goods and services, and responds to any accessibility related feedback.
This group is responsible for expanding our Christian understanding. Starting with activities for the youngest family members through Sunday School programs for older children and our adults so everyone has the opportunity to grow in our faith.
A chairperson plus four additional volunteers comprise the M&P committee for St. Paul’s United Church.
The committee provides supervision and support to the Minister and all staff employed by St. Paul’s. With online resources and updates from Shining Waters, a Regional Council of the United Church of Canada, it reviews what is going well, what needs to be addressed and recommendations to ensure a healthy workplace that meets the needs of congregants, volunteers and visitors to St. Paul’s.
The committee meets monthly from September to June each year, discussing how to ensure the Minister and staff are appreciated and to review work performance and reported concerns. M&P works with other committees as well, providing performance appraisals, assisting with hiring of new staff and makes appropriate recommendations to the Official Board.
The Outreach team wears many hats and works tirelessly to support our local and global community including Meals on Wheels, Guest House meals, the annual Foodgrains campaign, social justice, and working with the Mission and Service of the United Church.
Your Property Committee, along with a dedicated group of volunteers, works very hard to upgrade our building and take care of any ongoing repairs and replacements. In addition, the committee accommodate all the various groups that use our facility.
This committee is responsible for the day-to-day financial workings of St. Paul’s. They meet monthly to plan and maintain an annual budget, a five-year financial plan and pay the bills to keep our church open, active, and staffed. The Stewardship Committee oversees all fund-raising and has representation on major project committees.
The Technology and Social Media Committee is responsible for maintaining and updating St. Paul’s website and our Facebook page. Meetings of the committee are called on an ad hoc basis.
The Official Board appoints members of this committee. Their primary responsibility is to ensure the financial stability of our church into the future. The Trustees receive and invest bequests and memorial funds and are responsible for the insurance coverage for the church building and the property deeds.
The Worship Committee organizes the services of worship, taking into consideration the Christian seasons and special events in our church. They are responsible for the oversight of the Choir and music, organizing Communion, scheduling lay readers and ushers, planning baptisms, confirmations and transfers of membership, sponsoring the new members’ luncheon, and mid-week Bible Study.
We welcome people from all backgrounds and orientations. Wherever you are in your faith journey, you’re welcome to join us.
Office Hours:
Tuesday – Thursday
9:00am – 12:00pm
Administrator is currently working out of her home
Worship Hours:
Sundays 10:00am
or anytime on our Youtube channel
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