St. Paul’s United Church

Contact Us

We're glad you're here.

Whether you would like to join a group or just get more information,
use the information below to get in touch.

St Paul's United Church
Midland, Ontario


308 King Street
Midland, Ontario
L4R 3M6 Canada




Office Hours

Office Hours
The office is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to noon, with
Judy in the office on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and Louise is in the office on Wednesday
mornings. The balance of the time, Louise works from home so you can reach her by phone any
time between 8:30 and 4:00 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 

Make An Impact

Consider a Donation to St. Paul's United Church

Your financial support helps us help others through worship, programming, and community outreach.

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