St. Paul’s United Church

Welcome to
St. Paul's United Church
Midland, Ontario

We're glad you're here.

We invite you to come and experience life at St. Paul’s. We’re an inclusive Christian community that welcomes everyone regardless of age, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious tradition, economic status, political affiliation, or ability.
All.  Are.  Welcome.
The St. Paul’s community has served the Midland area for over 125 years. We’re a forward-looking community committed to living Jesus’ message through worship and a wide range of social justice and outreach programs.

Come and participate in spiritual life with us. 

About Us

We’re an inclusive community aiming to follow Jesus’ example.

Worship & Music

Worship & Music are alive and well here at St. Paul’s.

Living Our Faith

Engaging spirituality and sharing our faith  

Outreach & Social Justice

Turn compassion into action, Join our community outreach. 

Church Life

News, Events & Gallery

Office Hours

The office is open: from 9 a.m. until noon on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday .
Starting 17th June and continuing until late October, Louise will be working on Wednesdays
and Thursdays only. The office hours are unchanged, with Judy in the office on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and Louise in the office on Wednesday mornings.

You can reach Louise on her home number at (705) 526-1640 or by e-mail at

Pastoral Care

Expressions of our sympathy and condolences together with funeral, life celebration and memorial service information can be found by clicking HERE

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day)
was September 30, 2024

Coffee Hour

October 20th, 2024 after Worship
Come for the fellowship, and also enjoy coffee/tea and sweet treats. 
1st and 3rd Sunday of each month

Next gathering
Saturday, 28th September
@ 9:00am
Mom’s Restaurant.
Gather with the guys for some food, fellowship and interesting conversation.
All men of the congregation are welcome.

Save the date
The Knitting Pilgrim
here at St. Paul’s
Friday 1st November 2024,
3 ~ 5p.m.
Come hear Kirk Dunn tell the story of his 15-year artistic and spiritual journey hand knitting this ambitious project while looking at the reasons why the faiths struggle to get along today, the meaning of art, the hell of grant writing and the power of love to overcome major obstacles (and minor mishaps).
Tickets ($25) are now available for purchase via e-transfer to Please include the words Knitting Pilgrim in the message box. Tickets will also be available at the door on November 1st ($25, cash only). 

Calling all choir members!
Rehearsals on z Thursdays at 7pm
in the sanctuary
So nice to have you back in the choir loft to help lead the services.
Would you like to join the choir? Anyone can come and check us out ~ you would be VERY welcome!

Please see Victoria if you’re interested.

Forum for Faith and Science
 returned on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month between September and June
 at 10am
in the Parlour. Discussing ideas/experiences relative to the books they study.
In September, they will be exploring 
The Direct Path, Creating a Personal Journey to the Divine Using the World’s Spiritual Traditions
by Andrew Harvey.
All are welcome to attend.

New Security Cameras
Great news…we have met our fundraising goal for the security cameras! A huge thank you to everyone who made donations to this cause and helped us achieve our goal.

Congregational Life

Pasta and Bingo
Friday, 25th October, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
in the Great Hall.
After a delicious pasta dinner, there will be one of the world’s favourite family games – Bingo, designed for all ages.
If you plan to attend please contact Sheila (705-526-2186).  We will also be prepared for last-minute guests.
A ‘free-will’ offering will be used to defray the costs of this event.


Men’s Grief Group and
Women’s Grief Group
not active at this time

ucw log1

Thank you ALL.. for baking muffins, unpacking boxes, sorting, selling, helping with carry outs and repacking for cleanup… making this a very successful garage sale! With your help, we raised over $3,000, which will be used for all of UCW’s good work – Hospice, Guest House, Mission work, to name just a few.

Next Meeting
Tuesday 12th November 
at 1:30pm in the parlour


Apple Pie Sale
Sunday, 20th October 
after the worship service.
There will be 9” pies at $15 (frozen uncooked), some fresh pies as well as some smaller pies (two portion size) at $5 (some frozen uncooked and a few fresh).
The UCW will not be having their annual goodie box sale this December.

Connecting Together
Come join us
make connections with others

as we take time for
conversation, storytelling,
tea/treats, fun and fellowship.
Every Thursday
For details click HERE 

A tribute to, and in memory of,
all those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom, St. Paul’s United Church is recognizing them with a poppy display on the front of our building.
Thank you to everyone who has knit or crocheted so many lovely poppies. The last day to drop
them off will be Sunday, October 13 (Thanksgiving Sunday). We will begin assembly on Friday,
October 18, from 1:00 until 4:00 p.m. in the Room of Requirement.

You Are Needed

Volunteer Opportunity
The St. Paul’s kitchen has received “Community Kitchen” approval from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit.
One of the requirements is for us to have some kitchen volunteers to
have their Safe Food Handling certificate.
We are looking for leadership volunteers to
complete the online training and as we have some training funds left in our Community Service Recovery Fund, we will be able to reimburse you for the costs.
We also will be
planning a celebration lunch for all who complete the course.
The course will take
approximately eight hours to complete but can be completed over a couple of days.
The link
is from the Thunder Bay District Health Unit.
Please contact Kathy or Zena if you have any questions. You can e-mail Kathy at or Zena at

Do you enjoy organizing and helping with educational events?
The Lifelong Learning Committee would love to have you join our team. Please connect with Kathy at 705-529-6121.

Volunteers are needed for the St. Paul’s team that do the Meals on Wheels and Driving programs at the Red Cross. If you are able to volunteer for either of these very important initiatives, please connect with Lois McQuirter at 705-526-6854.

We have a variety of committees and other volunteer positions available here at the church.
Without our volunteers, we couldn’t be the church, so please prayerfully ponder if you might be able to help.
Some of our committees meet in person, others by Zoom.
Please call the church office, Karen or Sue Dorion, our Chair of the Board, and we will be happy to speak to you and explore where you might feel you are able to contribute, even if only for a few hours every now and then.
We are open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and can be reached by phone at 705-526-6077 or email at

Camp Awesome - Prayer Flags

Board Chair~

From our Official Board Chair – Sue Dorion

Well here we are at the beginning of yet another chapter of St. Paul’s United Church. 
It seems like just last Sunday we had a wonderful farewell/retirement celebration for Karen and Keith! 
Now we are looking to the future and what that may entail for our church family. Over recent months our Worship Committee has had guest preachers in place and for that I think we are all very grateful! Now we are meeting to receive a report from the Minister Search Team who have been working diligently and I have every confidence in this committee to see it through to fruition. 
I’d also like to say a humble thank you to our wonderful team of staff, along with our many volunteers, who have continued to ensure St. Paul’s keeps on ticking with so many behind the scenes issues being dealt with daily. We are truly blessed to have an outstanding St. Paul’s Church Family who will continue to support each other through this transition.

Minister Musings ~


A congregational meeting will be held this Sunday, September 22nd at 9:30 a.m. The Minister Search Team will be announcing a candidate to fill the
ministerial vacancy. The Congregation is needed to approve and finalize this step so we encourage everyone to attend. Timing of this is unusual but not unheard of and is to accommodate Rev Will Haughton, our Pastoral Relations Liaison, that he might attend to
authenticate this proceeding before rushing off to his own pastoral charge service.

Discovery Kids

Faith Formation is excited to announce that we have expanded to welcome in some volunteer teachers to help teach the Sunday Discovery Kids lessons. All of our teachers have been approved by and welcomed onto our St. Paul’s Faith Formation Committee. Our current group of teachers include Rebecca Amadei, Heather McDonald, Kim Belfry, Kait Byrick and Lynne Angus.

If anyone is interested in learning more about how to become a volunteer teacher, please reach out to Rebecca Amadei. 226 339 8218

Community Outreach

We aim to serve others as Jesus did. From Midland to around the globe, we turn compassion into action everyday. Join us. 

Territorial Acknowledgment

St. Paul’s United Church recognizes that we are on the traditional and treaty territory of the Anisinabek people, now known as the Chippewa Tri-Council of the Beausoleil First Nation, Rama First Nation and Georgina Island First Nation people and that we seek to be in right relationship with Beausoleil First Nation. We have Inuk people and are the historic homeland of the Metis people. We have had a painful and tragic past; may we together work for a more wonderful, honouring, and dignity-filled future.

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Your financial support helps us help others through worship, programming, and community outreach.

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