St. Paul’s United Church

Welcome to
St. Paul's United Church
Midland, Ontario

We're glad you're here.

We invite you to come and experience life at St. Paul’s. We’re an inclusive Christian community that welcomes everyone regardless of age, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious tradition, economic status, political affiliation, or ability.
All.  Are.  Welcome.
The St. Paul’s community has served the Midland area for over 125 years. We’re a forward-looking community committed to living Jesus’ message through worship and a wide range of social justice and outreach programs.

Come and participate in spiritual life with us. 

About Us

We’re an inclusive community aiming to follow Jesus’ example.

Worship & Music

Worship & Music are alive and well here at St. Paul’s.

Living Our Faith

Engaging spirituality and sharing our faith  

Outreach & Social Justice

Turn compassion into action, Join our community outreach. 

Church Life

News, Events & Gallery

Dear St. Paul’s Community ~ Unfortunately the weather forecast for tomorrow is for a significant storm,
the worst of which is scheduled between 8am-12pm.  
We are concerned that the parking lot, and people’s drive home may be impacted.
Therefore, we are cancelling in person worship at the church for Sunday February 16. 
Please feel encouraged to watch one of our previously recorded worship services.
Blessings of safe travel and warm welcomes to all.

Office Hours

The office is open: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9 a.m. until noon,  with Judy in the office on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and Louise in the office on Wednesday mornings.
The balance of the time Louise works from home so y
ou can reach her by phone anytime between 8:30 and 4:00 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at (705) 526-1640 or by e-mail at 

 Pastoral Care

For Pastoral Care, please contact Rev Kirsty Hunter at 705-717-1918.
She wants to know if you are in hospital and seeking a visit from her.
You can email her at

Expressions of our sympathy and condolences together with funeral, life celebration
and memorial service information can be found by clicking

Coffee Hour

March 2nd, 2025 
See you for fellowship, coffee/tea and for goodies
1st and 3rd Sunday of each month9

Faith Formation

Adult Social
 Watch this space
for the next one

K Open Gym!

Stay tuned for the next event coming up in March.
Collecting interest for a
Youth Group
Do you know any youth in grades 4-12? Might they be interested in some type of youth programming here
at St. Paul’s?
Questions and feedback?
contact Rebecca.

Next gathering
Saturday, 22nd February
@ 9:00am
Mom’s Restaurant.
Gather with the guys for some food, fellowship and interesting conversation.
All men of the congregation are welcome.

Connecting Together
Cancelled for 2 weeks
(February 20th and 27th)
due to ongoing weather concerns.
Meeting will resume
March 6th,
weather permitting
ome join us
make connections with others

as we take time for
conversation, storytelling,
tea/treats, fun and fellowship.
Every Thursday
For details click HERE 

Forum for Faith and Science
  2nd and 4th Friday each month between September and June
 at 10am
in the Parlour.
Discussing ideas/experiences
relative to the books they study.

All are welcome to attend.

Fun $ raising
Mark your calendars 
Saturday 26th April
and start working on your gifts… Knitting, crocheting, baking, gardening, sewing, decorating, odd jobs, entertaining … 
The setting was beautiful, the food delectable and the smiles and joy bountiful.
We raised $2,300,
fellowship was shared and the only question remaining is: when do we do it again?
Keep an eye out for dates so you don’t miss out on the next one.
UCC 100 mug

More Fundraising

 You too can enjoy a great cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate
in a UCC Centennial mug.
Get them while they’re hot!

Have you purchased a calendar celebrating the United Church of Canada Centennial?

Both are great ways to support St. Paul’s . See Sharon Foster or Sue Dorion at church or contact them by email  or 


Women’s Grief Group
We will be offering a weekly grief support group for women who have had a partner pass away.
group will meet every Wednesday from March 5th to Wednesday April 30th from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Room of Requirement.
This is a time to support and comfort each other.
contact our facilitators Sandra Flint at 705-529-6462 or Linda Fong at 705-209-8284.

Men’s Grief Group
not active at this time

Sadly the outreach committee has cancelled this event because of the continuing bad weather.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed baking and their time, all baking will be used in the future for other church activities.
Watch for a new event in September.

Outreach &
Social Justice

Coldest Night of the Year
bundle up for the
Coldest Night of the Year,
a winterrific family-friendly fundraising walk for
charities serving people
experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness here in
our community.
Please join us on
February 22nd or support our St. Paul’s Team!

Helping those in need
Thank you to everyone who has  contributed much needed items for the Guesthouse Shelter. The staff and residents are grateful for your generosity. The boxes will remain in the Utility Room off the Atrium so we can continue to collect for our neighbours. Items needed include non-perishable food/pantry items as well as personal items such as socks, underwear, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste etc.

Congregational Life

Our greeter/ushering teams
looking for help with this important job.
Currently we have 3 teams (we’d  love to have 4),
commitment one month at a time. Greet folks at the door with a friendly smile and collect the offering.
Please consider this as a way to support St. Paul’s.
Interested or have more questions?  Speak to Sheila Thompson
Would any of our members or friends appreciate a friendly visit or phone call or be interested in making a friendly visit or phone call?
Contact Sheila for further info.705-526-2186.

You Are Needed

Volunteers are needed for the St. Paul’s team that do the Meals on Wheels and Driving programs at the Red Cross.
Are you interested in volunteering for either of these very important initiatives?
Then please connect with Lois McQuirter at 705-526-6854.

We have a variety of committees and other volunteer positions available here at the church.
Without our volunteers, we couldn’t be the church, so please prayerfully ponder if you might be able to help.
Some of our committees meet in person, others by Zoom.
Please call the church office or Sue Dorion, our Chair of the Board, and we will be happy to speak to you and explore where you might feel you are able to contribute, even if only for a few hours every now and then.
We are open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and can be reached by phone at 705-526-6077 or email at

Love and Friendship Dinner

Taken by Jaroslaw Kalmuk

Minister Musings ~

202401002Kirsty Hunter_

Minister’s Message, Sunday, February 16, 2025
People talk about using their faith as a way to help them make decisions. The classic, or overused, phrase, “what would Jesus do?” comes to mind. This is a kind of appeal to authority. The one in control is Jesus, so just do what he said. However, there are often disagreements about what he said, or what he meant. So how do we know what is true? Who do we listen to? As you can see, this way of making decisions can be misleading. At the least, it is not a very systematic way to make decisions. What Would Jesus Do™? is often a way to justify what you are doing, or a way to judge what others are doing. It is fast and easy and can lead you astray.

So rather than rely on one point of data (or perceived point of data), I offer another way. For hundreds of years in theology people have been using some version of, the “Wesleyan Quadrilateral.” It is a 4- pronged way of making a decision described by John Wesley. The basic idea is that any question should be examined using FOUR things, scripture, tradition, experience, and reason. Scripture, means the bible. It includes Jesus, because the bible is how we know about Jesus’ life and wisdom. Tradition refers to the knowledge passed down: practices, extra stories, and teachings. Experience is our own lives, our particular context, and our unique understanding of the world. Reason is logic, deduction, and problem solving.

Thus we have a more balanced approach to making decisions. We are more likely to see or think about things that we haven’t known before. This also is a longer way of making decisions. And sometimes slowing down can help us. When you are lost in the woods, the first thing you want to do is STOP (an acronym that means Sit down, Think, Observe, and Plan). If you are having a panic attack, first breathe. Slowing down gives us more reaction time when driving. We live in a culture that demands speed. But important decisions need time, deliberation, and more information.

Questions to take home…
How do you make major decisions? Minor decisions? What role does your faith play in how you live your life? Is there something in your life that needs a little renewal? 

Discovery Kids

Faith Formation is excited to announce that we have expanded to welcome in some volunteer teachers to help teach the Sunday Discovery Kids lessons. All of our teachers have been approved by and welcomed onto our St. Paul’s Faith Formation Committee. Our current group of teachers include Rebecca Amadei, Heather McDonald, Kim Belfry, Kait Byrick and Lynne Angus.

If anyone is interested in learning more about how to become a volunteer teacher, please reach out to Rebecca Amadei. 226 339 8218

Community Outreach

We aim to serve others as Jesus did. From Midland to around the globe, we turn compassion into action everyday. Join us. 

Territorial Acknowledgment

St. Paul’s United Church recognizes that we are on the traditional and treaty territory of the Anisinabek people, now known as the Chippewa Tri-Council of the Beausoleil First Nation, Rama First Nation and Georgina Island First Nation people and that we seek to be in right relationship with Beausoleil First Nation. We have Inuk people and are the historic homeland of the Metis people. We have had a painful and tragic past; may we together work for a more wonderful, honouring, and dignity-filled future.

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Your financial support helps us help others through worship, programming, and community outreach.

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